Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The right chair for your kid

The most essential furniture for a kid’s room is the chair. Whether you have sufficient space in your home to your kid a separate room, or you appease him by decorating a corner of living room to his name, a chair is something almost every parent buys for their kids. Now, picking up a kid’s chair is not similar to buying a carpet or a table that we usually finalize on the basis of design. Several points need to be considered before buying a kid’s chair.

What every chair must have

Well, even before you start paying attention to small nuances in design, you must look for a few essential features:

1. The back of the chair must have the proper curve that helps back have the required support and the right posture. You can even try an ergonomic kids’ chair.

2. How safe the chair is? This should be the second question. Pelvic belts, quality of material used (most importantly, paint, because kids tend to lick everything they can lay their hands on), adjustable height etc.

Buying different chairs for kids

Every design has its own pros and cons, a little attention may help select the chair that your kid would love to spend his time on:

The normal chair:

If you are borrowing a normal chair the right height should be your first priority. Make your kid sit on it to see that his feet touch the ground, the backrest is comfortable. Kids legs should not bend. Make sure that the kid wouldn’t have to bend a lot to be able to use the table.

An adjustable chair:

These chairs work for a longer duration as these can be adjusted to suit a growing kid’s requirements. Such chairs must have pelvic belts, these are required when your kid is too young to be able to sit all by himself. As kids grow, pelvic belts are not required. The seat size of these chairs should be such that it doesn’t pose problem for a little grown up child to fit in, ditto with back rest. Before you finalize such chairs, talk to the shopkeeper about the age group you want this chair for. Adjustable chairs are made keeping different age groups in mind. A chair meant for kids between 6 months to 3 years cannot be used for a 5 year old. So if you want to cover that age too, better ask the dealer about an adjustable chair that can be adjusted to meet the needs of a five year old.

Rocking chair:

These are usually bought for toddlers. With a rocking chair height is usually not a hassle, still it is advisable to look at this aspect. One important point is side to side stability. If you are buying a folding rocking chair, do not forget to see its portability in terms of weight, or the complications in re-installing it (if any). Do look for seat belts, they are necessary as young kids tend to fall a little too often.

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